First Debate of Republican Candidates
/The presidential election is still more than a year away, but the Republican candidates already debated for the first time.
Donald Trump has been leading in the polls, and he was positioned in the center of the 10 candidates. Trump won the debate in terms of airtime with 11 minutes, 14 seconds.
In its casual, sardonic style, The Skimm summarized the debate as follows:
"That Donald Trump likes to talk a lot. And everyone else would like some more attention. Trump is going for the White House - even if he doesn't get the GOP nomination. And he clarified that he doesn't like to insult all women. Just Rosie O'Donnell. Jeb had to talk about his last name. But he'd prefer if you call him ‘ Veto Corleone.' Dr. Ben Carson reminded everyone that he exists, and that he's separated Siamese twins. Scott Walker is proud to be normcore. Rand Paul and Chris Christie do not - repeat DO NOT - like each other. Everyone likes the Iran nuclear deal just about as much as they like Hillary Clinton (hint: they don't, but Kimye does). John Kasich said he still doesn't like the idea of gay marriage, but he'd still love his daughter if she were gay. Marco Rubio feels #blessed to be on stage with all these candidates, since the Dems can't even find one. And Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee were there too."
Discussion Starters:
- Who do you think won the debate? What criteria do you use for deciding?
- Compare The Skimm's summary to that of other news reports. How do they compare, and what could account for the differences?
- Questions about climate change weren't included in the debate. Why do you think this is the case? Should they have been included?